China Trip: Sep/Oct 2006

In the fall of 2006 I travelled to China to visit and understand the capabilities of some local suppliers that we were interested in bringing on board. During the trip i traveled to several parts of china, including traveling via Hong Kong.

The first part of the trip was based in Ching Qing China (a lovely place: NOT!!!), and we went on from there. Below is a nice view of Chong Qing... notice the clear air? Next is our dinner....We were invited to "the best fish restaurant in Chong Qing", and were asked to "pick our dinner" from the various tanks that stood center stage. Well, not knowing how the various fish specialities would be prepared, I decided to choose lobster. Thinking that Lobster is prepared the same way everywhere in the world: put the lobster in the boing water, and presto, right? Wrong!
In China, they like looking at their food, still alive, while you are eating it. So below you see my lobster, main body looking at me (still alive), while i'm eating it's tale spread out to it's right, raw of course!


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