John Legend

On my way to work and back home again I almost always listen to my Ipod in the car. What a woderful device! It is so easy to find exactly what you want to hear.
I mostly listen to podcasts, but tonight while running I listened to music, and came across something i had on my phone (listening via bluetooth) that i'd not heard yet. On the way home i wanted to continue listening and switched on the Ipod. This then led to me listening to other music, and finally on to familiar artists, one of which is John Legend.
I listened to JL so much last summer, but have not done so recently. On the way home this evening i discovered him again, and must say that he is fantastic! Almost ever song is so fantastic, both musically and lyrically. You can dance to his music and simply escape, or you can listen to the words and really think. And that on every song, whether it's a fast one or one of the beautiful slower ones.
For example "used to love you"......who can't relate to that one?
Or "Let's get lifted"...such a "get off your ass" kinda song
"Alright".... well who has not been at a party and .....and "She don't have to know" ????
One of my favorites is "Number one" as it must relate to every man who has to take a decision at some point ..... just like "I can change"... we all fool ourselves, right?
I could go on through all of his songs. I can just recommend you go out and listen, i mean really listen. There is some deep sh.... there!


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