Motorola S9 Bluetooth Headphones: look good, but .....

I have a set of the above mentioned headphones,(MOTOROKR S9 - Home Page) and i've been attempting to get them to work reliably with several phones of mine (all HTC devices). When I connect the phone with these headphones, they work. That is, the connection works, but!
The connection only works reliably if the headphones are within 30 cm of the device! This means, while running for example, you have to keep your phone close to your head. Not very comfortable running!
I do have some experience with other bluetooth headphones, and with all of them you can actually walk out of the room where your device is and keep a connection. This is what i would have expected from these headphones. Imagine you are working out, and want to put your phone in one corner of your workout room, and listen to music. With these headphones this will not work.
So, for me a definite no buy! They look the part, but definately do not perform!


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