Motivation ... I knew it!

Just reading this morning on the internet, as i normally do every morning first thing, with a cup of coffee. And i had one of those aha moments. I work in a large corporation, and like all large corporations it is very structured, very hierarchical, very process driven, and as a result not very flexible.  The most significant method that management uses (and i'm part of that management!) to motivate employees is the typical carrot of financial compensation.  We have, like so many other corporations, methods and processes for categorizing people in good and less good achievers.  Based on the "category" that they land in, they are compensated.  This of course comes with all the pitfalls of political strategizing and game playing that is standard in a large company.
But I've long believed that people charged with significant responsibility to "think" really are motivated by other things.  This belief is based on simple experience.  As available financial rewards are limited, we (management) are forced to find alternatives for motivation.
Money is important.  But at a certain level it loses it's motivational effect.  This video shows proof, based on science, that this is true.  Great! Now to just get my management colleagues in my own company to accept this science, and act accordingly....


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