Still my favorite

When i was still young, about 17, I lived in a smaller city in the middle of Germany, named Worms. A unique thing about Worms is that it was not completely distroyed during WWII, and still has an intact midievel Cathedral. In addition, parts of it's old town survived, with tiny cobblstone streets and Renaissance type houses. It is not a major tourist attraction, but still worth a visit.
One evening in late fall 1978 i was walking along one of these tiny streets when I saw and heard a car coming towards me. I could see the silver color with lights on and sound getting louder. As it approached me it turned into another street which took it out of my view, but not out of my ears. I had a short glimpse of the rear of the car which clearly revealed the unique huge spoiler that only the Porsche Turbo had. I could hear that the driver was accelerating, and the further it moved away from me, the louder it seemed to get. Along with the sound as it reverberated off of the old buildings, and echoed back towards me, i could hear the wheels spinning. The engine sound seemed as though it was going to keep increasing in revs endlessly, and i could feel my skin begin to develop goosebumps. Just then, when i thought it would continue, i heard a strange "churping" sound, which i later learned was the wastegate valve of an engine as it neared it's performance limit. Wastegates back then were still pretty primitive as the electronic controls that exist today had not yet been developed.
This car was a Porsche Turbo, and immediately became my favorite car of all times. This morning, as i read a magazine article about the latest variant of a Porsche road car that is closer to track racing than road going, i was reminded that Porsche is still my favorite car. The article i read detailed the announcement of the new Porsche GT 2 RS. A car that can be driven every day of the week to work or grocery shopping, and then on the weekends on the track. It holds the fastest time around the Nurburgring for a normal road car.
Reading the article I was reminded about my experience so long ago, when the sound of the Porsche Turbo gave me goosebumps, and when i decided that i would one day own such a car. Well, as I discovered the price of this new Porsche (237,000 Euros)I realized that i'll never realize my dream. But, maybe not all dreams are meant to be realized....thinking about it again though was nice.....


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